20 September 2012

Frontline birth

Up until today I had never given any thought to the prospect of a soldier giving birth on the field of battle. Today's news of the birth of a baby boy to a Royal Artillery gunner in Afghanistan has rather altered my perception of modern warfare. As I read the story on the BBC website images of Tom Hanks in the film 'Saving Private Ryan' came to mind. His anguished face barking out commands to his troops in the midst of battle, with gunfire and explosions happening all around him. “.. more smoke … give me covering fire! … incoming RPGs … take cover …sniper at 2 o'clock … medic! … we need more ammo … grenades … mortars ... forceps?”

The baby, who is in a stable condition, was conceived before the start of the servicewoman's tour of duty and was born 5 weeks premature at Camp Bastion after the unnamed gunner complained of stomach pains.

Pregnant service women are banned from front line duties and all service personnel, male and female, are given pre-deployment medical checks based on their role however, women are not routinely given pregnancy tests.

It gives a whole new take on the serviceman's slang of 'grunt'. 

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